The Adventure!

The idea of Mikey and his fun adventure of helping others is to create positive messages for kids who face tough challenges every day with bullies, difficulties at school, insecurities, suicide, fears, and self-esteem.  Mikey super powers are uplifting other kids no matter what they are scared of, and knowing they can be or achieve anything they put their minds to!

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What does bullying mean?

Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength. It is a repeated behavior or relational. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe enviorment where children can thrive, socially and academically, without being afraid.

The Author.

The author behind this story is Malashia Croom. Malashia is 27 years old born and raised from Columbus Ohio. It was important for Malashia as an author to teach the significance of bullying and the impacts it carries with both the upstander and the aggressor. "Building high self-esteem, kindness with long-lasting friendships will create a positive mental community for children to grow correctly in a safe enviorment."

"Students and parents need to be apart of the solution and involved safety teams and anitbullying task forces. Children can infom adults about what is going on and also teach adults about new technologies that kids are using to bully. I hope to make a difference to a child and make a child feel safe and most importanly brave facing obstacles on their own. "

- Malashia C.